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Notification to Parents of the Screening and Referral Process for Gifted Students


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What is GIFTED?

Being a gifted student typically refers to individuals who demonstrate exceptional abilities, talents, or potential in one or more areas compared to their peers. This can manifest in various ways:
  1. Intellectual capacity: Gifted students often show advanced cognitive abilities, process information quickly, and grasp complex concepts more easily than their age peers.
  2. Academic performance: They may excel in one or more subjects, showing deep understanding and the ability to learn rapidly.
  3. Creativity: Many gifted students display high levels of creative thinking, originality, and problem-solving skills.
  4. Leadership: Some exhibit strong leadership qualities and advanced social skills.
  5. Specific talents: Giftedness can also manifest in areas like music, art, or athletics.
  6. Curiosity: Gifted students often show intense curiosity and a passion for learning.
  7. Advanced language skills: They may have a more extensive vocabulary and more sophisticated communication skills than their peers.

It's important to note that giftedness can present challenges as well, such as:

  • Asynchronous development (where cognitive abilities outpace emotional or social development)
  • Perfectionism
  • Boredom or frustration in standard educational settings
  • Difficulty relating to age peers

Identification of gifted students often involves a combination of standardized tests, teacher observations, and performance assessments. Many schools offer specialized programs or accommodations to support and challenge gifted learners.